Learning to market your own website can seem like an extremely daunting task, particularly if you’re new to being online. But there’s no need to worry. All it takes is learning a few easy tricks and you’ll start seeing improvement on your site’s ranking. So what’s the easiest way to improve your site’s ranking without spending a fortune? By learning …
Back to Basics #2: What is Social Media?
Note: If you’re a social media expert, this post will probably not be of much help to you. But you can feel free to check out our other marketing tips and tricks here, or learn about our internet marketing services here. Want more beginner tips? Read Back to Basics #1: What is SEO? And be sure to follow our blog for …
Back to Basics: What is SEO?
This is the first post in the “Back to Basics” series. To stay caught up on posts, follow our blog and posts will be sent directly to your inbox! If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve probably noticed that we talk a lot about search engine marketing and optimization. And while that notion is easy to grasp, some of the …